Are certain dietary patterns associated with lower levels of inflammation?
Inflammation is a hot topic these days with numerous companies spruiking their products that can supposedly decrease inflammation. But...
Being a Nutritionist in a World Where "Everyone" is a Nutritionist
The other day I headed to the local health food store looking for some unusual ingredients that I was introduced to on a recent trip to...

Resistant Starch and Why You Should Cook and Cool Your Carbs
Carbs get such a bad rap these days. You know the old saying...."carbs are the enemy." They are usually the first food group to get...

Legumes Are The Rock Stars of the Nutrition World
Ask anyone born before 1945 and they would absolutely know what a legume is and probably have eaten a few dishes containing them. My...

Warm Kale Salad With Pan Seared Figs
This warm, delicious salad has so many great flavours going on all in one dish. There is sweetness from the figs and honey, sour from the...

My Food Philosophy
I don’t believe in dieting or following fad diets. I believe in making lifestyle changes that you can maintain forever. I believe in...

Paleo-mythic Diet and Why You Should Be Consuming Whole Grains
2014 was the year of the Paleo Diet here in Australia and I have met countless people who have eschewed grains in search of better...